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 (D)ownload A File -also- (DB) Download Batch

 Allows you to download or transfer a file from the bulletin board
 system to your computer system.

  filename  = Name of the file will be transferred, multiple filenames
              may be entered on the same line if separated by a SPACE
              or a SEMICOLON.  The DOS wildcard characters (* and ?) can
              be used to select groups of files.
  protocol  = File transfer protocol to use to transfer the file from
              the bulletin board to your computer.
  BYE or GB = log off of the bulletin board once the file transfer is

 Additional Information for Batch Transfers

 Edit Batch Subcommands
  A = Add a file to the batch
  R = Remove a file from the batch
  L = List files in the batch
  P = Letter of the file transfer protocol for the download

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson